RCT Corporate Code of Conduct

Purpose & Scope

Since 1992, Rierden Chemical & Trading (RCT) has grown to be a market leader in chemical distribution, importing, and customer service with a brand built on transparency, integrity, and dependability.

To ensure we uphold our role in the global community in supporting environmental and social stewardship, it is imperative RCT as a corporation follows an ethical and professional code of conduct.

The following is our Corporate Code of Conduct which we commit to following throughout all facets of our daily business.

This Corporate Code of Conduct is a complement to our Supplier Code of Conduct which lays out requirements for our external partners in order to conduct business with RCT.

Please review and let us know of any questions or concerns as it relates to our Corporate Code of Conduct.

RCT Mission Statement

Exceed our customer's expectations. Lead our chemical markets responsibly & sustainably. Empower our RCT team members. Support our community.

Compliance - Laws & Regulations

At a minimum, RCT will conduct business in accordance with the highest standards of ethical behavior and in compliance with all local applicable laws, rules, regulations and industry standards.

Human Rights

It is a high priority at RCT to champion the protection of human rights at our company and throughout our entire supply chain.

Forced Labor:
It is RCT policy to not use involuntary labor of any kind, including prison labor, debt bondage, indentured servitude or forced labor.

Child Labor:
It is RCT policy to not use child labor and to comply with all applicable labor laws, regulations and guidelines including those related to hiring, wages, hours worked, overtime & working conditions.

Freedom of Association:
It is RCT policy to recognize and respect the right of our employees to form and join trade unions and to bargain collectively.

Anti-Discrimination & Harassment:
It is RCT policy to not engage in, support, or allow any form of discrimination, harassment, or abuse of any employees, including contracted and sub-contracted employees, in the workplace or living space.

Grievance Mechanisms:
It is RCT policy to provide employees with reasonable, appropriate, confidential, and fair procedures for the resolution of difficulties.

Health & Safety:
It is RCT policy to provide employees with a safe and healthy work environment. 

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI): 
RCT dedicates time to maintaining a diverse and equitable working environment for all employees, customers, & partners through a set of goals outlined in our DEI statement.   

RCT Staff Compensation & General Work Conditions:
RCT strives to be a safe, accommodating, balanced and fair workplace. These working conditions are formally reviewed annually.

Community Engagement:
RCT is committed to making our local community more sustainable and giving back to our local community on a frequent basis.

Business Integrity

RCT operates with the highest standards of business integrity and complies with all laws & regulations within our operating country.

Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption:
It is RCT policy to not offer or accept any bribes or use any improper influence when dealing with business partners or government officials.

Conflicts of Interest:
All conflicts of interest between customers, suppliers and RCT or government officials will be immediately reported to all necessary parties by RCT.

Confidential Information:
It is RCT policy to not disclose and take all necessary steps to protect RCT's or RCT's customer confidential information to other parties.


It is a high priority at RCT to champion environmental stewardship efforts.

Regulatory Compliance:
It is RCT policy to comply with all applicable environmental laws, rules, and regulations within our country of operation.

Resource Consumption, Waste Management & Pollution Prevention:

It is RCT policy to optimize consumption of natural resources and have measures in place to prevent pollution as well as to responsibly handle and dispose of any waste generated.

Palm Oil & NDPE Policy:
RCT has a detailed Palm Oil Policy & NDPE Commitment available upon request.

Sustainable Procurement

RCT takes action to safeguard human rights within our supply chain. We are also committed to our responsibility to the environment beyond legal and regulatory requirements. This policy applies to suppliers, the supplier’s entire supply chain, and all RCT supply chain partners. 

Supply Chain Transparency - Primary Origin:
It is RCT policy to be capable of reporting sources of primary origin for the products we sell to the market.

Supplier Code of Conduct:
All suppliers and supply chain partners to RCT must sign the RCT Supplier Code of Conduct which lays out similar conduct guidelines related to Regulatory Compliance, Human Rights, Business Integrity, Environment, Quality & Information Technology.

Supply Chain Assessment:
RCT employs several strategies to evaluate our supply chain. Each part of the assessment is designed to maintain transparency in our supply chain and identify areas of risk and opportunities for improvement.

  • Supplier Qualification Questionnaire
  • Supplier Documentation
  • C-TPAT Business Partner Security Questionnaire
  • C-TPAT 5-step International Supply Chain Risk Assessment
  • Collaboration with US CBP
  • Customer Review
  • Foreign Supplier Verification Program
  • Third party audits
  • RCT audits/site visits
  • Restricted Party Screening
  • Traceability Exercises (Palm Mills)


Product Quality & Safety:
All products supplied by RCT will meet RCT specifications and meet or exceed any quality standard required by applicable law.

Regulatory Compliance:
All products will meet the Regulatory Requirements for the grade of product provided. These requirements will be determined by RCT staff and customers as determined by product end use. Examples: FDA, FSMA, Health Canada, EU, WHO, etc.

Information Technology

In today's technology driven environment, it is imperative that our RCT and our partners implement the proper safeguards and measures to ensure business continuity in the case of cyber incidents.

Data Protection & Backup:
It is RCT policy to have sufficient IT safeguards and measures in place to ensure the protection of RCT data and confidential information in the case of a cyber-attack or loss of IT operating systems.

IT Training:
It is RCT policy to conduct routine and effective training with employees to safeguard against social engineering and cyber-attacks.

RCT relies to a significant extent on market forces and third parties such as Ecovadis to help keep us aligned with our stated Code of Conduct. Internally, one function of our management review process is to ensure our conformance to the various pieces of our Code of Conduct.